

      2017年,青海西宁,我驻留在西宁当代艺术空间。在这个略显方正干净的白盒子空间中, 我画满了迷幻形态。初看,像一群人在开会,并且每排的人型都是一样的,只是不同层位人各不相同。另一方面,墙上这些造型也让人联想起货架上的一排排物品。

Cave No.0503

        In 2017, Xining, Qinghai province, I had a residency project in Xining Contemporary Art Space.

        In this relatively square and clean white box space, I drew a lot of psychedelic forms. At first glance, they are like people seating there for a meeting, the“people” in each row are the same. On another side they also look like commodities on the shelf.