拉内卡-W1 Ranaka-W1
镜片纸上墨汁 Ink drawing on mirror-paper
30cm×9cm 2017
拉内卡-W2 Ranaka-W2
镜片纸上墨汁 Ink drawing on mirror-paper
30cm×9cm 2017
拉内卡-W3 Ranaka-W3
镜片纸上墨汁 Ink drawing on mirror-paper
30cm×9cm 2017
Ranaka is a place in southern part of Gansu province, it is more like an uncharted field appears on a highway sign for a traveler on the car. “Ranaka” for me is like an open source code to trigger some kind of drawing, the form of creations including: landscape, ink graffiti, drawing on paper, drawing on canvas, abstract sketch etc. These works tend to capture the flow of consciousness, the initial state of symbols, the growth mechanism of organisms etc.
Copyright © 张帆 ZhangFan