
       “Everywhere” is a collaborative exhibition by artist Ye Su & Zhang Si. Historical masterpieces of Chinese painting, contemporary narratives and trends constitute the underlying and scattered thread running through Ye Su’s latest works. Zhang Si explores specific themes in traditional Chinese painting through associating these themes in daily life.

比比”现场    Exhibition  “Everywhere”

比比的飞机  BiBi's Aircraft 

图片印刷    printing on paper  

No.1 344cm×122cm/No.2  254cm×112cm  



        BiBi's Aircraft is some“drawing”. Ye Su made with the software SketchUp. In the images, there are many Chinese style arch bridges on the sea, and J 20 fighter jets designed and produced in China are taking off and landing on these bridges.


石膏、CPU芯片、墨水  gypsum,CPU chip and ink    

尺寸不定 variable size   


     The Sea of Okhotsk 是鄂霍次克海的英译。此海位于太平洋西北部,其中包含了日俄争议的“北方四岛”。耶苏用石膏、墨汁以及CUP芯片混合制作出四个岛屿的意象造型,并将Okhotsk这个词拆开,重组为作品的题目。

       The sea of okhostsk locates in northwest of Pacific Ocean, the sea contains the dispute “Four islands in the North” between Russia and Japan. Ye Su made four shapes indicating these islands by plaster, ink and cpu, and separated the word ”Okhotsk', reorganized it into the title of this work.

OK!HOT!SKY!  (No.1)   

墨水、石膏、CPU芯片  gypsum,CPU chip and ink       

尺寸不定  24cm×19cm×12cm




printing on paper,board 





printing on paper,board 



1072-2-21 / 1072-2-28

      耶苏将宋代画家郭熙名作《早春图》的复制品纵向切开后,左右互换拼接,制作出两幅不同构图的风景画,同时,画面里原先的印章以及题跋也被抹去。一幅大的放置于地面,一幅小的通过不规则裁边后固定于墙面。原画作于公元1072年,于是我模拟了两个类似当年早春时节的日期:1072-2-21 、 1072-2-28 ,作为这两幅图的名称。

       Ye Su cut vertically the replicas of master piece”Early Spring” by Guo Xi (Song Dynasty), swapped the left and right parts, making two new landscape drawings in different compositions. At the same time, the original stamp, preface and postscript are erased. The bigger new piece is laid on the ground and the smaller piece, after irregular cutting, is fixed on the wall behind. The original Early Spring is made in 1072AD, so I selected two dates:1072-2-21 and 1072-2-28, and made them as titles of the two works.