/ 事物之影 /
Shadow of Things
开幕时间 Opening
2024.10.13 15:00
艺术家 Artists
旦儿 Dan Er
徐丝易 Edie Xu
刘冬旭 Liu Dongxu
罗宾·海柯 Robbin Heyker
史蒂文·歌立德 Stephen Gleadow
谢红东 Xie Hongdong
耶苏 Ye Su
策展人 Curator
林杰明 James Elaine
Click Ten Gallery
706 North Road East, 798 Art Zone, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Click Ten Gallery 荣幸的推出群展《事物之影》。
Click Ten Gallery is honored to present the group exhibition "Shadow of Things".
The exhibition title, Shadow of Things, can be interpreted and viewed in several different directions. It is not based in a philosophical, historical, or psychological idea that requires selected artists’ works to support a curatorial premise; but It is a poetic phrase that came to mind one morning like a cloud passing by my window. Although it is complex in that it suggests many avenues of thought, it is more simply about relationships; relationships between things seen and things unseen, the mutable and the immutable, body and spirit, form and meaning. What relationally happens to an individual artwork when placed in a group of other artist’s works in a shared neutral space? And what is the relationship between the curator and artist?
Oftentimes shadows are seen as darkness, the dream world, or the presence of evil, but they are also a place of refuge from the heat in the cool of the shade. They are like sketches or outlines of things seen, or they prophesy as harbingers of unseen things to come. One Biblical account tells about an apostle whose shadow healed the sick people lying on the side of the road as he passed by. In the case of this exhibition this would illustrate the power of the artist’s creative spirit radiating outward into the world through their work. Ancient cultures developed devices for telling time and seasons called sundials or shadow clocks. They were instruments to show the time of day or seasons of the year by the shadow of an object cast by the sun on a cylindrical surface. These are but a few of the many references to shadows found in diverse cultures throughout time. They could be real or metaphorical links to the installation design of works in the gallery space or to the individual works themselves.
Ye Su’s ink paintings are narratives culled from his dream life. They are like individual frames of a surrealist film and are flooded with strange people, places, shadows, and things surreal and things known. There are 18 individual paintings in his Tannu Uriankhai series but are installed as one massive tableau, one life long narrative in one second.
展览标题 “事物之影 ”可以从几个不同的方向来看待和解释。它并不是围绕着某个哲学、历史或心理学思想,来选择符合主题的艺术家和作品;它是一个诗意的短语,在某个清晨从我的窗前飘过,浮现在我的脑海中。这句话很复杂,因为它暗示了许多的思考路径,但简单地讲,就是关系,是看得见和看不见的东西之间的关系,是可变和不可变的关系,是身体和精神的关系,是形式和意义的关系。在一个共享的中性空间里,当一件艺术品与其他艺术家的作品放在一起时,会发生什么关系?策展人和艺术家之间的关系又是什么?
耶苏的水墨画是从他的梦境生活中选取的叙事。它们就像超现实主义电影中的一个个画面,充斥着陌生的人物、地方、影子,以及超现实和已知的事物。在他的唐努乌梁海系列中,有 18 幅独立的画作,这些画作被安装成一个巨大的场景,瞬间铺陈出一个人的一生。
Copyright © 张帆 ZhangFan