



The 4nd German and Chinese Young Artists Development Fund Joint Exhibition

主办 | Organizer:德中文化交流基金会 | GeKA e.V.

基金会创始人| GeKA e.V. Chairwoman: 张彧 | Yu ZHANG 

策展人 | Curator : 李蕊 | Li Rui

展览地点 | Venue : 柏林  Kommunale 美术馆 | Kommunale Galerie Berlin 

展览时间 | Time : 2019.1.27——3.31

艺术家 | Artist :


Chen Weicai、Chen Xin、Cao Yun、Cao Yuxi、Cai Yuanhe、Cai Yaling、Dai Mouyu、Dai Ying、Fu Yu、Huang Sunzeng、Jiang Feimo、9mouth、Liu Guangguang、Lv Yanxiang、Peng Pi、Qiu Yu、Si Jianwei、Song Zhaoyu、Tian Xiaolei、Wang Jiang、Xiao Zheluo、Xu Zaizhou、Yu Fang、Yu Lu、Yao Ling、Ye Su、Yao Xinhui、Yan Zhenxing、Zhao Ming、Zhang Xiyu、Zeng Yang、Zhang Zhaoying




展览现场  Exhibition Site

     为了庆祝北京柏林互为友好城市25周年,《未来游戏 | FUTURE GAMES》群展将于2019年1月27日——3月31日在德国柏林Kommunale 美术馆隆重举办,展览由德国著名机构德中文化交流基金会主办,基金会创始人张彧女士发起,中国知名青年策展人李蕊策划。





      At the 25th anniversary when Beijing and Berlin have been twin towns, “Future Game” group exhibition will be grandly open at Kommunale Galerie Berlin in Germany during Jan.27th,2019 to March 31st, 2019. This exhibition will be sponsored by the famous organization: GeKA e.V.  It was initiated by Yu ZHANG, the founder of GeKA e.V., and will be curated by Li Rui, the well-known young curator of China. 

      Ever since the early 21st century, all artists in this globe have been trying to seek the future direction of the art. The high-tech has mastered the world with its wild and swift developments. Since human are replying on the social media nowadays, we are in this new age that is quickly changing, but over-loaded with information at the same time. 

     “Embrace Future” with art as the fuel, it is not only the reflection of the focus on the reality, but also the exploration of the future. The unknown future, just like a “Compound Game Ground” mixed with history, belief, technology and emotion, together with challenges, freshness and exploration, contains all kinds of uncertainties and varieties. Where is the future art heading to during the process of future innovation?

      All 32 Chinese young artists from this upcoming exhibition have been educated and trained in Fine Arts Academy, and most of them have the previous experience of attending international exhibitions. Their art works in this exhibition will not only include forms like paintings and installations, but also expand into forms like new media images, with the expressive method mixed of images and sound. The exhibition aims to present how artists of new generation profoundly rethink the phenomenon like internet, technology, cross-culture communication under the age context of speedy technology developments; how they express their deep emotions with love and hope; how they contemplate deeply of the future art, humanity, and social innovation, and how they forecast the future.



耶苏 Ye Su

六角井 Hexagon well  布上丙烯 acrylic on canvas  130cm×78cm  2011

参展作品  Work for the Exhibition