
望远镜|比比:耶苏&张嗣 双人展 



Artist:Ye Su&Zhang Si


“比比”展览现场  EVERYWHERE installation view


“比比”展览现场  EVERYWHERE installation view


    正午十二点刚过,就有飞机在石拱桥上降落。这架歼- 20先是在第一座拱桥的下坡处着陆,然后沿着长堤上的水泥地面滑行了约300米,再由第二座拱桥的上坡处逐渐减速,最终爬到桥面的顶部停了下来。隔得很远,可以看到隐形涂料在烈日下反射出稀有的光斑。

    远在鄂霍次克海上空的飞行员比比,正巡视着那几座麻烦不断的岛屿,再过五分钟就要返航了。这时,他的手机振动了起来。 打开一看,传来伙伴的语音:“ OK—!HOT—!SKY—!黄的 yellow—蓝的 blue—” 跟着是一张图片:一座被切成两半的山。


    耳边厢听得有人喊救命,循声而去,落水的是一个小年轻。这会儿只能自怨自艾:前两天团建活动上怎么就没学到半点儿的自救技能呢?!“该死的团建” “该死” “?”……

    一位二十世纪的中国文艺大师说过:“我积三十六年之经验,深知暮春以前的春天,生活上是很不愉快的。”  暮春,也就是立夏前后的几天时间,洋人所谓的May-queen(五月美人)、May-games(五月游艺)。对于一种既文采风流又符合世间法的生活,谁不心向往之呢。





耶苏 Ye Su

比比的飞机    BiBi's Aircraft  

图片印刷 printing on paper  No.1 344cm×122cm/No.2  254cm×112cm  2018


比比的飞机(局部)    BiBi's Aircraft  (detail)

耶苏 Ye Su

OK!HOT!SKY! (No.1)      

石膏、CPU芯片、墨水 Gypsum,CPU chip and ink  尺寸不定   variable size  2018

耶苏 Ye Su  1072-2-21

图片印刷,木板  printing on paper, board 

94cm×65cm 2018


耶苏 Ye Su  1072-2-28

图片印刷,木板  printing on paper, board 

46cm×31cm 2018

A novel about the project


      Shortly after noon, a plane landed on a stone arch bridge in a southeast province of China.  This J-20 aircraft first landed on a downhill slope of the bridge, then glided  about 300 meters along the concrete path between two bridges. It gradually slowed down on the uphill slope of the second bridge eventually coming to a full stop at the top of the arch. Though it was far from the audience’s viewpoint, one could clearly see the hot sun’s reflection on the skin of the stealth fighter. 

     BiBi, daily patrols the skies above the troubled islands of the Sea of Okhotsk. He is on a patrol now and will return in five minutes. Suddenly his cell phone vibrated. It was another patrol pilot: ‘OK—!HOT—!SKY—!yellow—blue—’.  Then an image followed: a mountain cut in half.

     Right below their flight path is a place where a river flows into the sea, a place where boats converge, a place where a Chinese poet returns home after his overseas studies. The returning poet, expecting to see things as they were when he left, is surprised to find one boat with a young western man and woman working as the boatmen.  

     The body of the young man is like what people in north China call ‘zhuǎng’, muscular and strong, but the girl’s appearance is different from the typical Chinese stereotype of western women, she appears to be somewhat east Asian. Their images seem to grow larger and larger. The people are larger than mountains.

     I heard someone calling for help, and followed the voice. It was a young boy thrashing in the water. He desperately wondered why he hadn’t learned better swimming skills during the team-building program a few days earlier! “Damn that team building!” “Damn it! ……”

     A Chinese master of twentieth century literature once said: “Upon my thirty six years experience, I am fully aware that springtime before the end of spring is quite uncomfortable.” At that time the weather is still untenable, but at the end of spring there are only a couple of days before the start of summer where one can find the window to complete bliss.

     Who wouldn’t long to live inside this literati’s season?

     But in reality, the situation, as seen at the stone arch bridge, is not hopeful; people are everywhere, coming and going, getting in and out of boats and cars not knowing where to go… 


“比比”展览现场  EVERYWHERE  Installation view