Printing Industry
Artist: Yesu
展期 Date: 2012.04.14-2012.05.06
开幕 Opening:15:00PM, 2012.04.14
Gallery 55
BLDG.4A-112. 50#, Moganshan Road, Shanghai
油历报 Yourstory Newspaper
装置 Installation
尺寸可变(单张108cm72cm)Variable size(108cm72cm,each piece)
“油历报”是一份虚构的报纸。空间被布置成一个印刷报纸的车间。大量油印报纸被悬挂在绳子上,等待晾干发行。悬挂报纸的绳子被镀成金色。 报纸中央有一个显眼的连体人物形象,一端是戴礼帽的摩登绅士,一端是张口大哭的婴孩。“油历报”,主要记录的是2011年6月的各类中英文新闻,包括体育,娱乐,社会,时政等。
“Yourstory Newspaper” is a fictional newspaper. The space is arranged into a print workshop. A large number of printed newspapers were hung on the rope, waiting to be dried for distribution. The rope for hanging is gilded gold. In the middle fo the newspaper there was a conspicuous image of a conjoined figure, with one modern gentleman in a hat at one side, and a baby crying at the other side.“Yourstory Newspaper” mainly records all sorts of news in English and Chinese in June 2011, including sports, entertainment, social, political issues etc.
油历扑克 Yourstory Poker
装置 Installation 95mm×70mm×25mm 2012
在构思油历扑克(Yourstory Poker)的时候,我所关注的是:能否在篡改表面形象的情况下,同时保留游戏规则。 我将扑克原先的红色部分与黑色部分进行了对换。人们可以按照既有的各种玩法来使用它。
When conceiving Yourstory Poker, my concern is whether I can only change the surface images while keep the rules of the game. I swapped the original red part of the pier with the black part. People can play with existing rules.
Copyright © 张帆 ZhangFan